How I Deal With Stress

Hey guys!! Sorry for the late post. How has your week been? So lately, I noticed I get stressed a lot, I guess I can blame it all on school ;). Well some of you might know that I’m a 200level student of political science… and yes I like my course, it just tends to be stressful sometimes.
Just so you know stress is a mindset, the moment you make up your mind to stop being stressed, you actually do stop being stressed. That’s only the starting point, let’s get to the main topic “being stressed” and how do you deal with it?

There are many ways to reduce stress, you just have to know which one works for you. Here are some tips I use to deal with stress…

1). A Cold Shower
You literally never know the advantages of a cold shower until you’ve had a hot and tiring day. You don’t necessarily have to encounter a bad day for a shower, but whenever you feel like you can’t take it anymore…Just get into the shower for about 5mins and let the water massage your body. Tried it, believe me it works.

2). A bottle of water
So I guess you might think I’m all water conscious but really it has a way of calming your nerves especially when it’s cold. This becomes essential especially when you are in my faculty , faculty of social sciences (fss). It is the hottest part of my university, I call it a desert…laughs* ok, jokes apart, drinking water helps calm me cause the heat makes me cranky and tired .

3). Read some psalms
This might sound a bit unrealistic. During a conversation with a friend, I was lamenting on how stressed I was and he suggested that I should rest and read some psalms. At first, I felt that wasn’t what I needed but to fulfil all righteousness I did, and to my surprise it turned out to be just the thing I needed.
Try reading this ones : psalms 121 & 145.

4). Watch a movie
Depending on the kind of person you are, I prefer watching my movies alone and my comedies with the family. Especially Do good a TV series on African Magic, trust me you need a laughing partner.

5). Sleep Sleep and Sleep
Like my uncle says “you can never cheat nature”. I guess am saying this cause I hate drugs and I’ll do anything to avoid taking one. Sleeping just does it for me.

6). Music
For me, I listen to songs that appeals to my senses… depending on the kind of genre you like. Music is one faithful way of dealing with stress.

7). Anything sweet
Chocolate cakes, cookies and basically anything sweet does it for me… so enjoy.

So guys these are the things I do to reduce stress. Remember that it might not work for you, so just do anything that reduces stress for you. Please share your views and various tips on stress…you never can tell who it might help. Thanks.

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